• Iffy about pairing that fuchsia clutch with an azure dress?
  • Found a pair of boots while vacationing in Sicily but not too sure?
  • Want to flaunt your latest collection of statement earrings?
  • Take a photo and share it with your friends in a private setting for instant advice
  • Your friends get notified and instantly rate your style. You have the popular choice and your decision!

Download App

It's free, enjoy it.

Minimum Requirements - Andriod OS 2.1 or above

Frequently asked questions

Does the app cost anything?

No, the app is absolutely free. Download it, swank it, and enjoy it.

Does sharing cost anything?

No. It's free. Share as much as you want, as often as you want.

How is it private?

With every post, you pick who you want to share with. When you share with the community, your identity is kept private. Community members will not see any information about you.


" Men mistakenly offer solutions and invalidate feelings while women offer unsolicited advice and direction " - John Gray (Men are from Mars, Women are from Venus)

A three line conversation between me and my wife gave birth to RedSwank.

Wife: So do you think I should wear my ivory/black color block shoes with this ivory dress or would it be an overkill?

Me: Ummm... I don't know honey. You'll look good either which way.

Wife: Do you know anything... at all? (Throws the stuff around and mumbles something to the effect of " I wish I could ask Sheri and Anna! ")

Now I can't tell my wife how to mix things up but I know what looks good on her. So as soon as she made a wish of being able to get advice from her friends, I felt like a genie. She had a problem and I had a solution. Typical Mars - Venus situation!

I've done my Martian custom of providing a solution. I now invite all you Venusians to offer advice and direction to each other when it's most needed. Welcome to Red Swank - an app that provides you an intimate setting to swank your fashion and style with a community of trendsetters and fashion seekers.

Why the name "RedSwank"?

Red is for passion. Passion for fashion. So why not swank it?